Expression of Interest (EOI)
The Nepal Renewable Energy Programme (NREP) is a Government of Nepal programme dedicated to increasing private sector investment in distributed renewable energy (RE) in Commercial, Institutional, and Industrial markets; to increasing universal energy access; while facilitating a policy, planning, legal construct, and regulatory environment conducive to both enabling and sustaining progress in RE installation. The Programme operates in Province 2, Lumbini Province and Karnali Province.
To further de-risk investment and promote DRE development at the subnational level, NREP is planning to support Detailed Feasibility Studies (DFS) of 4 grid-connected non-hydro RE projects , with installed capacity of 1-5 MWp; and 1 RE project with a battery storage system (50 kWp).
Thus, NREP is issuing this Expression of Interest (EOI) to potential RE developers and investors, Provincial Governments (PG) and Local Governments (LG) who are interested in developing grid-connected RE projects and who would benefit from a DFS for those projects. . NREP will shortlist submitted EOIs and award a consultancy contract for DFS to the most promising projects.
EOI submitters would be well-served to consider the following key points while submitting the EOI:
- NREP will support only the technical and economic feasibility studies of solar PV projects. NREP will not cover any environmental & social study, grid impact study, or other assessments.
- For identification of appropriate sites, the applicant needs to submit a cover letter, along with below listed information as a part of the EOI:
- Tentative capacity of the system
- Location (Name of LG, district)
- Longitude, Latitude
- Availability of sufficient suitable land to develop the project
- Type and ownership of land
- If the land is owned by LG/PG and the developer wants to lease it for the duration of the
expected useful life of the RE project - Ease of access and use of this land
- Proximity to an appropriately nearby grid connection point, and/or proximity to an
appropriate electricity load to make a dedicated solar project viable - Potential business model to develop the project
- Evidence of survey license from concerned authority
- Any other relevant information indicating the importance of the project
- Submitted EOIs will be evaluated based on the following criteria; the best 4 projects will be selected for DFS:
- Public Private Partnership Projects
- Projects with already secured licenses and other requirements
- Higher capacity project (3-5 MWp)
- Project located near to an electricity load or loads, such as an industrial corridor
- Project catering to other important local load such as agro processing, cold storage, EV
charging and other MSMEs - Project with clearly identified land for development
Interested developers can submit their expression of interest by 17:00 hours local time on or before 10th September 2021 to
- The method of selection will be based on the review of applications submitted based on the evaluation criteria. Selected applicants will be notified for further process.
- The projects submitted by LGs/PGs and the projects serving local loads will get higher preference.
- NREP reserves the right to accept or reject, wholly or partly, any or all the proposals without assigning any reason, whatsoever.
Thank you for your interest in working with NREP to advance distributed renewable energy in Nepal.
Nepal Renewable Energy Program
Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal