The Nepal Renewable Energy Programme (NREP) is a Government of Nepal programme dedicated to increasing private sector investment in distributed renewable energy (DRE) and increasing universal energy access, while facilitating a policy, planning, legal construct, and regulatory environment conducive to both enabling and sustaining progress in DRE market development and universal energy access.
The Central Renewable Energy Fund (CREF), a financial mechanism of the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC), has recently established a Viability Gap Funding-based Sustainable Energy Challenge Fund (SECF) with funding support from UK-Aid. SECF provides financial and technical assistance to DRE projects, to ensure their technical and economic viability and sustainable operation.
In order to evaluate the full applications received for SECF support, AEPC/NREP has established an Independent Evaluation Panel (IEP). The main objective of the IEP is to evaluate the applications in terms of technical feasibility, financial viability, innovation, appropriateness of the proposed project cost, the applicant institutions’ capacity, and financial soundness to manage the proposed project in a sustainable way.
The AEPC/CREF provides an honorarium to the IEP members based on number of proposals evaluated.
The terms of reference can be downloaded from the following link:
ToR for IEP for SECF Full Applications
The terms of reference can also be downloaded from the following websites:,,
Interested IEP applicants are requested to send the expression of interest together with recent CV and copies of the academic certificates via hard copy submission or by email to no later than 5:00 pm Nepali Standard Time, 26th October 2021, Please mention “Reference: AEPC/NREP- IEP Applicant” in the subject line of the email or at the top of the envelop. Shortlisted candidates shall be called for an interview. Those who have applied during the first call need not apply.
AEPC/CREF reserve the right to accept or reject, wholly or partly any or all the applications without assigning any reason, whatsoever.
Central Renewable Energy Fund Secretariat
NMB Bank Limited (3rd Floor), Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, Nepal