About NREP
The Nepal Renewable Energy Programme (NREP) is a Government of Nepal programme with financial assistance of the British Embassy in Kathmandu. It is designed to bring about a transformational change in the distributed sustainable energy (DSE) market by significantly increasing private sector investment. This includes investment in the generation and efficient use of distributed renewable energy systems in commercial, institutional, and industrial organizations, solar home systems and micro hydro and solar PV mini-grids to serve rural households and communities, and increased use of indigenous renewable electricity for cooking, agriculture and mobility. The Programme started in February 2019 and will end in March 2025. It is implemented by the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) and a consortium led by DAI Global UK and including Winrock International as an implementing partner and Samriddha Pahad and PEI Inc as resource partners.
NREP has two support modalities:
- Financial Assistance in the form of the Sustainable Energy Challenge Fund with awards based on Viability Gap Funding designed to make marginally feasible projects feasible and bankable and results-based payment; and
- Technical assistance in the form of DSE project assessment, project development assistance, financing facilitation, Challenge Fund application assistance, and project implementation support and monitoring.